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african elephant造句

"african elephant"是什么意思  
  • An african elephant has large floppy ears .
  • No one has ever been able to domesticate the african elephant
  • African elephant family watching a grey heron
  • To resume the ivory trade would sound the death knell for the african elephants
  • Last year poachers are estimated to have killed more than 23 , 000 african elephants
  • There are two kinds of elephant , the african elephant and the asian elephant ( or indian elephant )
    大象有两种,分别是非洲象和亚洲象(也叫印度象) 。
  • No one has ever been able to domesticate the african elephant . only the indian elephant can be trained by man
  • Many animals in africa are found nowhere else in the world , such as african elephants and nile crocodiles
  • Mashatu reserve has an impressive population of african elephant , eland and ostrich . the baobab trees are also plenty in the region
  • A single hair can support up to 100 grams in weight and a whole head of hair could support up to 12 tonnes - equilvalent of two african elephants
    公吨,相等于两只非洲大象的体重头发的生长速度:每天0 . 3 - 0 . 5
  • It's difficult to see african elephant in a sentence. 用african elephant造句挺难的
  • The study found african elephants reacted with fear when they detected the scent of garments previously worn by men of the maasai tribe
  • African elephants have two fingerlike features on the end of their trunk that they can use to grab small items . ( asian elephants have one
    非洲象的鼻子末端有两个手指状的东西可以用于抓取微小的东西(亚洲象只有一个。 )
  • The african elephant is the largest living land mammal . it has no natural enemies for there are none large enough to challenge it
  • The emma maersk ' s huge diesel engine has the power of 1 , 200 cars and its anchor weighs as much as five african elephants ( about 30 tonnes )
    艾玛.马士基号的巨大柴油发动机的马力与1200辆轿车相当,锚的重量相当于五头非洲象(约30吨) 。
  • The international trade in ivory products was banned in 1990 following the inclusion of the african elephant in appendix i of cites
  • The lesson includes napoleon , pompeii , language , the news media , acid rain , dinosaurs , level of language usage , power , asian and african elephants , the american civil war
  • The 20 - foot 6 - meter - long treadmill was designed specifically for maggie , a 23 - year - old female african elephant that has become the subject of a national debate over the proper care for captive
  • The 20 - foot 6 - meter - long treadmill was designed specifically for maggie , a 23 - year - old female african elephant that has become the subject of a national debate over the proper care for captive pachyderms
  • The property ' s feeding sites and frost - free water areas make it suitable for african elephants , which can stand 10 feet tall at the shoulder and weigh more than 10 , 000 pounds , officials said
  • African elephants only have four teeth to chew their food with . however , each tooth is 12 inches long , and their tusks are elongated teeth that grow throughout their lives , like fingernails
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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